Flourishing Educator Online Course

Join Dr Wayne Hammond, Abe Brown, and Connie Jakab for 8 Video Modules and a complimentary Ebook covering the following material

 The Flourishing Effect in Education

How to see students engaged 

What makes the concept of Flourishing a different way to approach students

 The Importance of Positive Relationships

Why relationship is the key to learning 

How to create connection

 The Science of Positive Change

How to move students from anxiety to being able to learn and flourish

 The 4 Phases of Transformational Change

Four mindsets all students are engaged in and how to connect with them in each one to learn and grow.

 Emotional Regulation

Four steps teachers can do daily for their own emotional regulation.

These can also be taught to students

 The role of the Creative Mind in Education

How a culture of empathy and safety unlocks the creative part of the brain.

 Creating Trust and Safety

How to do this in the classroom, but also a special focus on how administration can create this for their teachers and school

 Bonus module: The Neuroscience of Leadership

Leadership strategies for administrators

We provide educators with a


FOR ONLY $1,197 + GST

 join US on November 19-20


ONE TIME OFFER of this price!


8 module course and Ebook

for yourself or your school


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