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---- Step #3: ----

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---- Step #4: ----

Credit Card Information

---- Order Summary ---- 

You will receive:

  • Certification as a “Certified Flourishing Educator ™”

  • An Evidence-Based & Practitioner-Focused Model,

  • In-Person Instruction

  • Online Portal with Additional Resources

  • 4 Online Pre-work Preparatory Modules

  • 4 Online Post-Course Support Modules

  • Training to Interpret the FLQ, with Ongoing Authorization to Purchase and Use the FLQ with your Clients

  • 28 Hours of Continuing Education Credit

  • A One-on-One Follow Up Session with your Facilitator

  • Access to the Monthly Certified Flourishing Coach
    ™ Support Webinar

  • Private Facebook Community

Tools you will walk away with:

  • Our 6-Step CHANGE Model to map how to bring students from anxiety/depression to flourishing

  • A 1-Year Flourishing Plan for your to prevent burnout

  • A Schoolyear Growth Plan

  • Self-care Strategies that work

  • Trauma-Informed education tools

  • How to Create Belonging in your classroom

  • How to Create Connection, and not just like the concept

  • How to Build Connection among staff members

  • How to Build Bridges of Connection with parent/caregivers to be the students' village

  • How to Have Tough Conversations and conflict resolution tools

  • Boundaries for Educators

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